Thursday 19 April 2007

‘Reliable’ news sources and information – Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch the Australian Media Superpower has a huge influence and partial responsibility for many political and social decisions.

His huge Media firm News Corp own a series of newspapers and television companies across the world, more popular and widely known companies include Myspace, Fox, BSKYB (Sky TV) The Sun newspaper, etc.

Murdoch’s huge influence in the media not only benefits political interests by printing views and ideologies of the owner into its principle sources, therefore all their beliefs are instilled into the public, these influences also spread to advertising, with such a huge scale of media to use on the public, Murdoch can expose his firms to the mass market.

You could argue that the printed media in particular newspapers, will all have a political backing or political alliance, Murdoch a renown Conservative in political views has backed and bought newspapers to spread political messages and even change elections, there was a usual assumption that what ever political party The Sun was backing, would usually win the election, having such a large readership.

However The Sun over the last 10 years, which was previously a Conservative supported newspaper opted to change to Labour and in 1997 the Labour party were elected.,,448652,00.html

A disadvantage of having such influence over how information is portrayed is that Murdoch will not print, publish or broadcast any news related to friends, colleagues or him, that would incriminate, expose or degrade, although you would expect to occur anyway, still seems unreliable, but consumers will still buy it and consume the information.

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