Wednesday 2 May 2007

Blogging: A global virus of information

The rise of the blog has become widespread in the internet community, its estimated that 12 million Americans are writing blogs and that there are at least 57 million blogs currently being written and updated in the world.

Sometimes blogs are created on an impulse reaction to tell the world something the blogger deems necessary for people to know, this would explain why 60% of started blogs are never continued or updated at least 2 months after its original date:

Blogs are often used to spread information amongst the internet community, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, blogs need to be taken with a pinch of salt as they are most definitely opinions and not always factual. Blogs can be political and can be humorous too, many celebrities and famous people like to write blogs so that fanatics can subscribe and learn more about their icons.

There was recent controversy about a blog started by an Iraqi woman who was living in Basra, there was much suspicion if the blog was a true account or someone from the allies posing as a Iraqi for propaganda purposes, however with the blogging culture its quite hard to out who some bloggers are.

The blogging tools, or an online diary are used for socialising, but they are sometimes used for the wrong reasons, using this information tool, blogs are used to spread abuse to people as explained in this BBC news report:

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